Sunday, March 20, 2005

38 weeks !!!

Wow .. can you believe I only have 2 weeks until my due date??? Thank goodness! I am the most emotional and cranky pregnant woman ever I think at this point. I think I have been hanging out with my 2 year old too long !!! I actually cried and threw a tantrum over shampoo this morning (Don't ask).

I don't know if I have ever discussed how pregnancy effects me mentally before. If I haven't it's pretty screwed up .. when I am pregnant .. it's like being bi-polar for 9 months. I can be happy as a clam one moment and then crying like I lost my best friend the next minute, with really no rhyme or reason. This ofcourse means poor DH never can tell what my mood will be like from one moment to the next. If it tells you anything the first test I took with Skyla turned out negative and I sat and cried. Charles's looked at me and said " I don't care what that test says .. I know you are pregnant! You are only this psycho when pregnant." He wasn't exaggerating. Oh and the bad thing is after 36 weeks it only gets worse!!! So at this point I can't wait for delivery. We know at the very latest she will be here in 3 weeks, because Drs. will not let me go over 41 weeks because of my PIH and the fact that Skyla is probably going to be macrosomic.

Luckily after Chip's birth I didn't have any PPD ..thank goodness. I did have one or two days of the baby blues as the hormones started dropping, but compared to the 9 months of mood swings during the pregnancy .. it wasn't so bad. Hopefully with Skyla I will be just as lucky and skip PPD.

I nested really bad yesterday. I broke my bedrest .. but I made sure to rest lots and take my BP constantly and made sure to keep it under control. I just had to sort and wash her baby clothes and her cradle bedding. Dh has been good about doing most everything since I have been put on bedrest .. but when it comes to baby clothes and baby bedding he is clueless.

Only a week until Easter, and only 6 days until Stella's Due date anniversary. I am hoping and praying that Skyla makes her arrival before then. I think it would be so awesome for her to be here for Easter .. a time of rebirth and healing. So if you ladies want to start sending some labor vibes .. we definitely won't turn them down!!!

1 comment:

Kether said...

Girl, You haven't gone into labor yet?
You'd better let us know when you do!
I know everyone is different, but for me it helped having Liam come home from the hospital one year to the day of my miscarriage. Those babies are linked forever as are Stella and Skyla.
That would be really cool if Skyla were born on Easter. Very, Very symbolic.