Thursday, February 24, 2005

Holy Big Baby Batman!

So we had another NST today and Miss Skyla did very well. Then we had our growth scan to see just how big she is measuring. According to all the measurements the lady took today we have an EFW of 6lbs 10oz as of today at 34w4d. Our last EFW was at 25w2d and she weighed 3lbs 8oz. She has gained 3lbs 2oz (estimated of course) in 5 weeks and 2 days. We have 5 weeks and 3 days left until our due date. So if we make it to 40 weeks and she keeps growing like this .. she's gonna be another big'un. She is sooooo cute though. You can really tell she is filling out in the pictures I have today compared to the last profile picks I have. The u/s tech thinks she looks like me .. so we will see :) I definitely think she has mine and Chip's nose. Oh and she is up to 88th %tile .. so if she gains 2 more %tile points she will be considered macrosomic. She looks really great though.

Monday, February 21, 2005

Skyla had her first NST today

And according to the NST tech and I quote "Your daughter is beautiful!!!". Apparently she behaved herself very well today despite my fears. Skyla has a history of being hard to track down so I worried that it would be stressful. However Marie had a bead on her within 30 seconds of putting her hands on my belly. Marie said she likes to see atleast 2 accelerations (where the little line jumps up) in the 20 minutes that they monitor the baby. Miss Skyla had 3 accelorations within the first 4.5 minutes I was on the monitor. She continued to perform her little feets for the rest of her 20 minutes. Marie said she lost count of how many accelorations there was so many. Already she is an overachiever! Must get it from her daddy! So then we go and check the fluids surrounding her on the ultrasound. The tech said we have plenty of amniotic fluid right now so she did well on that too. Then I waited for like 45 minutes to wait to work me into get to see the Dr. because of my upper respiratory infection. Well I finally get into see the Dr. and she says she doesn't want to give me any antibiotics and to get some Robitussen to help make it easier. BLAH. I was like gee I waited 45 minutes for this??? She did talk with me about Skyla's size. She said that it wasn't even worth measuring my belly since last week I was measuring 41 weeks already. She said that she wanted another ultrasound on Thursday for a growth scan to see how big she is right now. She told me that back at 29 weeks when Skyla measured 3lbs 8oz she was already in the 80th %tile and that once a baby hit 90th %tile they are then considered to have macrosomia (basically it just means .. really big baby). I told her I knew this all because Chip was born weighing 9lbs 1oz at 3 days early. She said that when a baby measured to have macrosomia they liked to induce but because of my history of c-section that they wouldn't want to do that. I told her I was aware of that. I let her know that I realize that I have to go into labor naturally .. or either I end up with a c-section. There aren't really any other options at this point. She seemed to understand that I have done my research and I know the pros and cons about everything and I mentioned the fact with Skyla being a female that hopefully even if she is big she won't be built like a linebacker like her big brother was at birth. She said that's a good point because girl babies and boy babies tend to be built differently. It should be very interesting to see how big she is Thursday. I am feeling huge and miserable .. and everyone keeps telling my my belly is sticking out farther with Skyla than I was with Chip at the end and I am only 34 weeks, so it's a little daunting. But whatever size she is. She is almost here!!! I can't wait!!! 7 weeks at the most. I know they won't let me go over more than a week past my due date without wanting to do a c-section. So we are down to short time!!!

Monday, February 14, 2005

No wonder I feel like a beached whale!!!

So I went to my Dr. appt. And I LOVED the Dr. I had today. He was awesome. Totally VBAC pro, totally thought I was doing a great job keeping my bp under control with the meds and bedrest. Didn't even sweat the fact that we have big babies. And he was HOT!!! I didn't know guys that looked like that became OBs. LOL. Turns out when he was a resident .. he delivered my best friends second daughter Averiegh!!! LOL. Melissa and I had fun talking about him when I got back to her house to pick up Chip. Oh and back to the beached whale comment. I am 33w1d .. but he measured me today and I am measuring 41 (ACK) weeks already. Baby girl is apparently on miracle grow suppliments in there. Oh and I weighed 2lbs less than my starting weight (and this was after feeding my face with Pizza, chocolate-chocolate chip muffins, and cherry cordial hot cocoa at Melissa's valentine's party ..sssshhhh don't tell my Dr. !!!). So that definitely explains why I am soooooooo incredibly uncomfortable these days. Starting next week we are going to start bi-weekly NSTs and weekly Biophysical profiles.

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Spent the morning in L&D

So Charles and I DTD this morning, and when we were through he looked down and said "Holy Shit!" there was blood everywhere, him, me the bed. I started freaking out. Called Drs. office they told me to go to L&D. So go to L&D and they monitor me and the baby, I'm not having any contractions, baby was moving so the woman had to stand and hold the fetal monitor the whole time so she could keep a bead on her. The CNMW comes in and talks to me, gives me the whole speculum treatment (medieval torture device at its finest), then a manual check. Cervix is tight and long. She did see some more blood around the cervix and tested it for infection. It came back fine. They then gave me a vaginal ultrasound to check and make sure I didn't have any placental tissue near my cervix. Then they gave me a regular abdominal u/s to check on the baby. They did a biophysical profile on her. Out of a possible high score of 8 .. she got an 8. She she is doing perfect. We also got another confirmation that she is still a girl. :) And a picture to proove it. She is head down and now face down so I didn't get to see her face but got a cute photo of her right ear. So CNMW said that everything looks good with both me and Skyla. Oh and my instructions were to go home and play checkers (in other words .. no fraternizing with hubby until after my regular appt on the 14th).