Friday, March 09, 2007

Holy Canolli

I just realized I'm one week of class away from completing my first quarter here at Augusta Tech ... and as long as I don't really screw up any of my finals .. I should end up with 2 A's (Bus 101 and SCT 100) and one B (MATH 191). Wow .. it's gone by really fast!!! Hallelujah! Monday we sign up for next quarter! My how time flies when you're having fun.

And you know what .. I really did have fun. I've learned at going to school at 29 is so much more rewarding than going to school at 18. I guess I just have my priorities in a better place now and have my head on straight. Not to mention knowing that if I do well in school it will allow me to find a decent paying job that will allow me to support the kids with out always having to stress about whether the child support check is going to show up on time or not.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

What's a girl to do?

When she just needs a change? Something different, a new start. Well since I didn't need new clothes, I dyed my hair. The color is called cinnaberry by Clairol Natural Instincts. It turned out to be darker than expected .. but I really like it. It looks kind of like the cherry finish you see on alot of wood.

Monday, March 05, 2007

Banging head against the wall

I swear .. that's sometimes how I feeling when dealing with men ... like I'm just beating my head up against a wall for no good reason. At the time I know I shouldn't do it .. that all I'm gonna end up with is a severe headache .. and yet ... like a moron, I do it again. So yeah I'm getting ready to agree to be "just friends" with my ex-boyfriend. This should be an interesting little adventure ... Oh did I mention he still loves me (just he has decided he doesn't want to get married so dating is a bad idea) .. and I still love him .. how in the world is this "just friends" thing gonna work out? Beats the heck out of me. Stay tuned... might want to grab some popcorn .. this could get interesting.