Monday, January 03, 2005

Starting BP meds and I may have GD

So I had my appointment today. My BP was 153/93. My urine had glucose, protein and small keytones. After 2 hours of sitting in drs. waiting rIoom then in the exam room they took my BP again. It was 142/99!!! The bottom # is the one that they really stress over the most and it went up after 2 hours of inactivity .. it normally goes down but this time went up. So on to BP meds 30 mg of Procardia? I think .. it's being filled right now. I take one pill every morning .. should last all day starting tomorrow. The dr. also mentioned the keytones in the urine and told me I needed to drink more water .. I told her I had been chugging water all morning. She said that along with the glucose in my urine tended to lead her to think I may have GD this time. So Thursday I go to check my BP (because of the new meds) and have a 3 hour GTT (I have a habit of flunking 1 hour one so going straight to 3 hour). 2 weeks from tomorrow I have another Level II scan of Skyla to keep a check on how she is growing .. with the BP issues, possible GD and our history of big babies .. her growth is a major concern for them. BLAH!!! Why is it that I never seem to get those boring uneventful appts? I saw the nutritionist today and she said that if I flunked the GD test that I would be seeing her again .. and that we would work hard on coming up with a diet for someone who has to be low sodium and low carb. Ought to be interesting. Oh and I still weighing in at 1lb below where I started out this pregnancy .. which the nutritionist said was amazing seeing I have been on bedrest for 4 weeks. She said it normally goes the opposite way on bedrest.

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