Thursday, November 11, 2004

Spent last night in the ER

I went to the bathroom about 12:30 last night .. and when I wiped .. there was blood all over the place. I freaked out. I had been cramping most of the night but I had been chaulking it up to gas. Well after I started bleeding I decided not to take a chance. So I went to the ER .. was there until 5am. They couldn't get the baby's heartbeat on the doppler .. scared me to death. They did an ultrasound and the baby looked great. They were worried I might have placienta previa .. but everything looked good though. Dr. thinks my cervix is just irritated. So pelvic rest for atleast a week for me. While I was there .. my blood pressure was all over the place .. as high as 140/70 one time .. as low as 119/53 another. UGH .. fun fun fun. Keep me and little bit in your prayers.


Kether said...

OMG how scary Stephanie!
May God keep that baby healthy and safely inside of your womb. You are in my prayers--glad to see the baby looks great. Take good care of yourself.

Linda said...

I read your blog, but have never posted a comment before. I just wanted to say I am glad that everything with the baby is OK!

I will definitly keep you in my prayers!

Anonymous said...

"I went to the bathroom about 12:30 last night .. and when I wiped..."
Oh god... Picturing you on the toilet. The porcelain straining and cracking under the weight of your ass. Poor toilet. Poor poor toilet.

The Other Stephanie