Monday, April 30, 2007

It makes ya wonder

With my track record with guys, it makes you wonder, is it bad luck or bad taste? Or is it a combination of the two. Sometimes it just makes me wonder if there is something just completely screwed up with me that I can't figure out. Or if there is some invisible tattoo on my forehead that only guys can see that say's "Losers, psychos and commitment phobes please apply here."? Makes ya go "hmmm" doesn't it? There are days where I wish I was a lesbian. Unfortunately I just don't swing that way. Considered the whole nun thing ... but black and white just aren't my colors... not to mention the whole not being Catholic thing. I seriously am considering giving up on men all together. UGH. Born again virgin here we come.

1 comment:

familymgrkendra said...

Oh Steph,

I am sorry things aren't working out for you on the "Guy" front. I hope you reel in your Prince very soon!! There is someone for you and those kiddos, and I hope you find him soon!!