Tuesday, December 07, 2004

So I'm on bedrest now.

Went for my BP check today at Duke. It was 147/91 and they made me do a urine test and I now have protein in my urine. So I am on bedrest now and have to go back Thursday afternoon to see the Dr. If they can't get my bp down with bedrest it may mean I have to go on Blood pressure medicine for the rest of the pregnancy to try to keep it under control. It's so crazy .. my blood pressure is so good when I am not pregnant .. but get me pregnant ..and it goes through the roof. If you are the praying type say some prayers for me and little bit that we get this blood pressure thing under control. I will be 23.5 weeks pregnant like tomorrow and we still have a ways to go to get this kiddo big enough and healthy enough to be born.


Kether said...

TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF STEPHANIE!I know this will be hard, but that bean's gotta grow. Thoughts and prayers are with you. God bless you and that little growin' pollywog.

Christine said...

Hang in there!! I'm thinking of you! I hope that time passes quickly, and that your blood pressure lowers along the way.
