Monday, October 25, 2004

The baby is ....

We had the ultrasound and the baby is a


Healthy Stubborn Surprise !!!

Baby looked great and was awake and moving (Chip slept through his big ultrasound so it was atleast better) but was shy and would not show either the u/s tech or the Dr. the goods. The baby looks great and there is definitely only one. It's measuring a week big (surprise surprise) so it's measuring with a due date according to ultrasound of 3/27/05 .. but I know exactly when I ovulated so my LMP date is really accurate so I am sticking with my 4/3/05 due date. I think I am just meant to grow big babies. They didn't get a real good look at the heart so they said they may have us come back in a few weeks to look at it again they aren't sure. Oh and by the time the u/s tech wanted to take pictures the baby flipped over and so we got one okay shot of the baby from the side and one cute photo of the feet .. they are the cutest thing ever.


Kether said...

Toni thinks everything is a girl ;) (Love ya Toni *wink*)
LOL that the baby is a suprise. I wonder if you'll get another opportunity to peek when you go back to look at the heart. I was going to say I'm thinking boy, but you've got a boy. So, I dunno, maybe Toni is right.
Glad to hear everything is A-ok and you're starting to feel better. Can't believe you're this far along already. Isn't this going by fast for all of us??

Jen said...

That same thing happened to my neighbor who had a boy already.
SHE had a girl!
Maybe you will too!
You have to come up with an excuse to get another u/s!!!
Congrats on the great appt! :)
I bet it was great!